Call of the Loons

Last week, I drove to a lakeside cabin in northern Minnesota and returned to the call of the loons. Midwest loons are the same species as those of the Adirondacks, my heart’s home.

Common loons call out to one another across a misty lake. Their sound emerges from stillness and silence. Before dawn, I paddled a kayak to the center of the lake to listen. It’s a resonance like none other, haunting and healing.

Take a brief moment to appreciate their beauty:

When we make room for stillness and silence in our lives, we hear a soul-stirring sound. We’re moved by, changed by, a call we must somehow answer.

This sound often becomes amplified during transition times. Like the sunrise or sunset that invites the loon’s cry when humanity settles, our inner call emerges when our thoughts settle.

We may recognize an inner nudge to heal a broken heart or to trust a new, amazing opportunity. The call might beckon us to soul-awareness or to a renovation of our life’s work.

For me, it takes courage to perceive this penetrating signal because I know it will be life-changing.

Yet when a loon-lover friend of mine sits in quiet, the environment awakening around her, she says, “The revelation is so compelling, I go into it with love, affection, and beauty— without needing courage.” Maybe that’s you, too.

Are we willing to be still and wait—to hear, to accept, and to answer?

That is the call and response of living as music.

[Want more loons?]


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Piano player and elephant playing music together outdoors in clearing.

Interspecies Music

Elephants World, a self-supporting sanctuary in Thailand for special needs and rescued elephants, provides an unexpected studio for making interspecies music.

Until 1989, elephants in Thailand worked for humans in the logging industry. When logging was banned due to deforestation and floods, these animals needed protection. Today, the elephants play in a new way—making music with their human caretakers.

Pause and enjoy this unusual trio. (1 min):

In human interactions, we sometimes feel like we’re talking to a different species. Of course, we’re the one making music while the other person is blaring dissonant, unintelligible sounds.

Yet, if it’s possible for human-elephant connection through music, surely we humans can learn to play better together. What’s a good way to go about this?

Notice what the Elephants World pianist does. He brings his instrument into their habitat. He’s not expecting them to walk into his practice room.

He also lets them be elephants. He’s not trying to convince them to be otherwise, or to make other than elephant trunk sounds.

We don’t have to be of the same genus—or even have the same perspectives—to harmonize. This is what interspecies music can teach us!

The next time you find yourself feeling like an upright piano in a field of trumpeting elephants—stop, and just listen. Look for a way to bring your song and theirs to a higher level of composition.

It won’t work every time, but if you can recognize that you’re playing different instruments, you can step into their world a bit.

Maybe you’ll discover how seemingly dissonant sounds can coexist.

That is living as music.


If you’d like some support bringing more harmony to your life and work, check this out.

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Young Sugar Chile Robinson smiling while playing the keyboard

Sugar Chile Robinson

What is it that delights us about a child prodigy? Surprising talent flows naturally and joyfully in someone so young that we’re baffled.

Where does it come from? Whether we believe the gift is in-born, earned in past lives, or a simply a mystery, there’s no denying the result.

Smile big as you watch Sugar Chile Robinson at age six (less than 2 min.):

Did you happen to notice Sugar’s hands on the keyboard? Young Sugar Chile hits the keys in a way that suits his hands, not the restricted manner in which a player might be schooled.

We each have talents as natural to us as piano was to Sugar Chile at age six. We play the keys in our own way. But sometimes our gift is so natural to us, we don’t even recognize it.

I had a friend who could listen to anyone’s story without making a ripple. Holding profound respect at being invited to listen, the storyteller’s pain, joy, growth, learning, or simple observation emerged in all its fullness.

He never saw his gift as any big deal. But we did.

What’s your unrecognized gift? Maybe you just naturally:

  • know how to be patient when someone needs extra time
  • make others feel included in social situations
  • keep a cool head in an emergency
  • lighten a heavy moment with humor
  • repair any machine that’s broken
  • appreciate animals and advocate for them
  • distill complex ideas into simple, comprehensible statements

What’s most common to us may seem insignificant. It’s not. It’s music!

Today, when you notice someone else’s “invisible” talent, name it for them.

Help them see, and maybe you’ll begin to notice yours, too.

That is living as music.

Take a look at this if you are in a major life transition and need help.

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Oboe up close with fingers on keys

Gabriel’s Oboe

I adore the sound of woodwinds. On my very best nights, I’ll hear something similar to a far off oboe, drawing me towards it as I drift off to sleep.

Gabriel’s Oboe has been performed by many musicians, on a variety instruments. Yet, it’s Henrik Chaim Goldschmidt whose playing makes my heart soar on sound.

Pause and listen through to that final high note (4 min):

To me, this version of Ennio Morricone’s Gabriel’s Oboe embodies the art, feeling, and grace of music.

Why is it that music played by a certain person opens our hearts? It can be music of any style, yet the vibration resonates deeply when that individual begins to play.

Who’s your person?

This phenomenon, perhaps explained by the physics of resonance, also occurs with the voice of someone we love. We may awaken to the fact poignantly when our loved one has been away, and we hear that unique sound once again.

“It’s just great to hear the sound of your voice,” my husband and I said recently when we were finally able to talk to a friend in the hospital.

Someone’s sound is not just words. The music of your child’s laughter may open your heart. My cat makes a certain meow, a tiny throat trill, that I find most endearing.

Whatever the music that warms and uplifts you, listen today.
Be grateful for that sound. It’s not forever.

That is living as music.

Learn more about navigating the challenges of life.

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Riding the rhythm, the Nicholas brothers best tap dancers of all times shown here in mid-air

Riding the Rhythm

Two of the greatest tap dancers who ever lived, the Nicholas Brothers, bring fresh, dynamic, awe-inspiring expression to riding musical rhythm.

As if born in synchronicity with each other and with big band music, these gifted dancers fly. Pause now to experience their surprising story, sound, and way of riding rhythm (less than 2 min):

The Brothers’ level of rhythmic genius is precise, acrobatic, and fluid. Can you hear/feel their tap shoes matching the beat of the music?

Most impressive to me is the joy with which the Nicholas Brothers dance to a song they didn’t even like! Yet, they found a way through their love of music and dance.

That’s inspiring—and gives us a key to navigate more easily.

When the soundtrack of our lives turns sour, we can sweeten the discord. The Nicholas Brothers offer an image of moving gracefully and playfully in a distasteful situation.

We may be frustrated by our current job, ending a relationship, having to relocate cross country, or facing a real health concern. Whatever the story, for the moment we’re in a tough time.

Let’s remember the Nicholas Brothers and lean into the rhythm, find something in the song we can dance to and be inspired to stay light on our feet.

Bring the best we can, given the circumstances, without self-judgment. The song won’t last forever. We, too, can be riding the rhythm, tapping lightly.

That is living as music.

P.S. Want to see the Nicholas Brothers as kids? check out their Lucky Number “audition”

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Human Sonar

When you feel you’re in the dark and can’t clearly see a path forward, use sonar to navigate. How so?

Creatures like whales, dolphins, and bats use sound frequency and echolocation to navigate towards food, away from predators, and into the free, open sea or air.

Pause now and experience the amazing song of whales and dolphins (less than 1 min.):

You can call on your intuition, gut instincts, and spiritual perceptions. These are human sound frequencies that allow us to use vibration to feel our way forward.

When your vision is blocked by fear, or you feel lost and disoriented, try not to panic. Literally vibe it out. Drop your attention into your gut, check in with your intuitive spider sense, or open your inner hearing.

For example, wondering which of two choices is best?

Your answer may come through the words of a friend’s passing comment, or a visceral letting go in your belly when you consider one option over another. Hearing and sensing are both vibrational phenomenon.

Sound frequency exploration, like human sonar, can bring guidance, wisdom, and protection.

Through sound, we can still navigate life with greater ease, even when we can’t see clearly.

That is living as music.

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Milky Way Symphony

Music is alive in the universe. Are we listening?

NASA scientists paired with musicians to turn a photograph of the Milky Way into music by matching light wavelengths to sound wavelengths.

An expert in astronomy visualization collaborated with several musicians to create this musical interpretation of a photograph from the Chandra X-ray Observatory.

Pause now and experience the symphony (1 min.):

How are you changed by listening?

I believe experiencing galactic music can help us navigate more easily. As we face daily challenges by growing bigger, wider, deeper—expanding our awareness out into space—our problems shrink.

We can be awed and comforted by our galaxy’s music rather than fixating on petty annoyances or becoming overwhelmed by true suffering.

We are not alone, but live amidst an infinitely larger, more beautiful sound. Blessedly, we are a part of this stardust. Doom and gloom are not the only realities that exist.

Today, you can listen for the sound behind all sounds in daily life. Pause to hear bird songs, a firetruck siren, or your loved one’s voice as part of this universal music.

Know that the Milky Way ever sings its lullaby to humanity.
That is living as music.

P.S. More amazing NASA collaborations in music:

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Sam the Eagle Muppet as News Anchor. An example of how to play with your powerful chyron!

Play With Your Powerful Chyron

When we’re burned out, it’s natural to start thinking we’ve failed. Self-defeating messages run like a chyron scrolling the bottom of our mind screen. They gain momentum on every pass.

And just like a chyron, these messages can be easy to tune out. But the mind accepts and absorbs them whether or not we’re aware of our self-judgment.

For example, if we’re internally scrolling, “Exhaustion, overwhelm, and burnout prove that I’m a failure,” we do ourselves a great disservice.

Blaming ourselves for not being able to keep up, to compete, or to fit in—whether in a workplace or social space—roadblocks our individual, precious evolution.

What’s Your Chyron?

So, pause and pay attention for a moment. What’s your powerful chyron today? If it needs tweaking, try playing with an uplifting headline.

My favorite place to start is with a technique borrowed from my actor training— Stanislavsky’s the Magic If. The phrase, “But what if I’m not a failure?” frees my imagination to seek new thoughts.

Have fun with your chyron! Set it scrolling across your inner screen and test the power of your choice. Whatever you set up for the mind to play with, it will.


Here’s more help with burnout recovery. And here’s the free Beyond Burnout Playbook to get started on your own.

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Image source:

The Hidden Gift of Burnout

If you’ve ever left a job due to burnout, the last thing you want is to repeat the cycle of exhaustion and overwhelm. Whether you dive into a job search or join millions of new, hopeful entrepreneurs, you must do things differently.

Where to start?

Let’s take a moment to acknowledge an uncomfortable, yet freeing, fact. Burnout is not something done to us. We’re not its victims. We burn ourselves up from the inside out.

That’s good news! Because otherwise, we’re powerless. And we’ll miss the gift.

Beliefs Become Limitations

Like auto-pay, burnout is a repeated withdrawal from your energetic bank account. Every month, the charge appears, until you take charge.

One way to break free is to watch for beliefs lying just beneath your awareness. Thoughts that drive you without your conscious consent wreak havoc.

Consider a popular societal belief that the single most important value in life is measureable outer achievement. Prove that you’re existence-worthy through tangible results. Get a college degree, gain employment, manifest a family, or become famous, and you have value. In other words, you have to do something in order to be somebody.

What a powerful limitation on the value of an individual! What if the fact of your existence itself makes you worthy? Maybe you contribute to the world through your bright beingness or your quality of compassionate attention. Claiming your intrinsic value first may be what allows you to do great things.

A Hidden Gift Story

A client I’ll call Janice (not her real name) left a high-pressure job in academia when demands got unbearable. She’d burned out. Janice left without a plan, but knew her health had to come first.

Months later, she brought a push/collapse work habit with her into a new venture. Pushing through 10-12 hour days, she’d collapse right after dinner. Janice overwhelmed and depleted herself, again. How could this be when she was finally focused on work she loved?

Janice’s daily rhythm wasn’t honoring her top priority of vibrant health. This time, her excitement drove her too fast and hard. Adrenal exhaustion, insomnia, mental obsession, and hormone imbalances signaled a constant fight-or-flight pattern.

Janice addressed the long-term physical effects of burnout. Meanwhile, she replaced the old push/collapse rhythm with a steady, slower burning pace. We worked on micro-practices—small actions that built a solid support structure for her business’s foundation. Now, her dream is growing at a steady, sustainable rate while her health remains strong.

The gift of repeated burnout taught Janice how to balance her life in alignment with her primary values. She gained a new appreciation for the building blocks of successful structure.

Burnout’s Hidden Gift

Accepting shadowy beliefs is one way we forget who we are, drive ourselves to distraction, and burn ourselves up. We want to know we matter. So, we’ll push to keep pace with the world’s chaos rather than slow to our own natural cadence. If we fall asleep to burnout habits, our bodies and sanity pay the price.

So, this is burnout’s hidden gift—the rare opportunity to stop, and be absolutely sure we’re in alignment with our living truth as we grow and our priorities change.

Take the opportunity to free yourself from the inside out. Be grateful that life has shown you what’s not sustainable, so you can learn what is.


If you need help sorting out a work or life transition, read more about Emma’s specialty, Millennial burnout.

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The F.O.G. Machine

I first experienced a fog machine during a college performance of Camelot. This special effect apparatus sits in the wings and blows a chemical mist onto stage at the actors’ feet. Despite its artistic appeal, I can still feel the dry throat and smell the chemical odor of theatre fog.  A different kind of F.O.G.—Fear, Obligation, and Guilt—clouds our joy of living in much the same way. These feelings blow in during personal dramas that trigger our inner F.O.G. machine.

All the World’s a Stage

We’re all familiar with daily life triggers. A co-worker criticizes our performance on the team, a loved one disapproves of a choice we make, a social media comment questions our values. And, bam! Before we know it the machine has kicked in.

All our hours of yoga, meditation, or self-care go out the window. As if on cue, the mechanism powers up, sending clouds of fear, obligation, or guilt into our former sunny consciousness.

Personally, I’m well versed in the drama queen art form. As a kid, my mother used to tell me that I’d have to learn not to be so upset by my grandfather’s or my brother’s taunts. If you don’t react, she’d say, they’ll stop teasing you.  She was probably right, but hey at six years old, I had no skills to stop spontaneous tears.

The F.O.G. Machine Exercise

As an adult, though, I have several tools to release F.O.G. once I’ve been triggered. One technique is the creative use of visualization.  For example, the fog machine image came to me while navigating a fearful challenge. So, I decided to use the metaphor as a launch point for an inner creative exercise.

I sat down, closed my eyes, and calmed my heartbeat. As I entered the worlds of my imagination, I saw myself in the wings of a large performance space. Just ahead, a tall, emaciated man with wide eyes pushed hard and fast on a machine’s lever, spewing F.O.G. everywhere. I walked over and asked him what he was doing. His eyes filled with panic. This is my job, he said. I have to keep doing my job! It was as if his boss would torture him if the fog stopped flowing.

I wanted to stop the fog. But to do so meant letting go of the outcome, and choosing to be a compassionate presence for the machine’s operator.

After a time, I asked if he’d like some water. As if in a flash of awakening, he suddenly seemed to consider that maybe he, of himself, was not a machine. Silently and gradually, he slowed his pace. Eventually, he returned my gaze and nodded.

We walked to a nearby table set up with water, fresh fruit, and other snacks.  He took the smallest portions, but he did eat. As we talked, he revived a little, gaining some color in his cheeks.  I told him he no longer needed to run the machine, that I was the boss now, and I happily set him free.

Have you ever experienced how a scenario within your imagination can impact your breathing, blood pressure, muscle tension, and frame of mind? My body relaxed deeply as I came out of this exercise. I felt a sense of peace. I saw my problem in a completely new light, and I saw a simple solution.

Dismantle the Machine

What would your image be for the mechanical nature behind fear, obligation, or guilt? What if you used this to your advantage? Maybe you could slow the revved up engine, shift into a lower gear, or take over as computer programmer of your mind.

When we decide how much F.O.G. were willing to tolerate, we’re also free to clear out the rest. Fear, obligation, and guilt need not pollute our inner atmosphere. We can choose a different kind of mist to artfully beautify a dramatic moment. Or, we can compassionately dismantle the machine.


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Photo from; Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away

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