When you feel you’re in the dark and can’t clearly see a path forward, use sonar to navigate. How so?

Creatures like whales, dolphins, and bats use sound frequency and echolocation to navigate towards food, away from predators, and into the free, open sea or air.

Pause now and experience the amazing song of whales and dolphins (less than 1 min.):

You can call on your intuition, gut instincts, and spiritual perceptions. These are human sound frequencies that allow us to use vibration to feel our way forward.

When your vision is blocked by fear, or you feel lost and disoriented, try not to panic. Literally vibe it out. Drop your attention into your gut, check in with your intuitive spider sense, or open your inner hearing.

For example, wondering which of two choices is best?

Your answer may come through the words of a friend’s passing comment, or a visceral letting go in your belly when you consider one option over another. Hearing and sensing are both vibrational phenomenon.

Sound frequency exploration, like human sonar, can bring guidance, wisdom, and protection.

Through sound, we can still navigate life with greater ease, even when we can’t see clearly.

That is living as music.

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