Transitions Are Your Best Opportunity

Are you asking yourself, Can I survive this job, promotion, layoff, health challenge, divorce, major change?

Life transitions test our strength, courage, and self-confidence. Change may have been planned or have arrived unexpectedly. We may find ourselves on the edge of a change whose very idea overwhelms us. It’s uncomfortable at best.

We need a safe place to land and a way forward. We may look for someone to listen and help us sort this all out.
Coaching is meant to provide that place to find clarity and compassion.

We need to address the practical reality of navigating your transition more easily—from self-care to vision to micro-steps forward.
To help you structure a bright future using all your best resources, inside and out. And at a pace that’s sustainable for you.

Chances are you’re not even aware of how many strengths and skills you have to face this transition!
But with a few creative tools, consistent support, and a sense of humor, you will find your way…

About Me

I’m Emma Laurence, a Certified Life Coach with more than 10,000 hours of coaching, teaching, and directing experience.

I draw on my NYC background as an award-winning performer and educator to support millennial leaders through personal and professional life transitions.

In addition to coaching others, I’ve navigated many of my own major life/work changes by being creative, persistent, and keeping my sense of humor.

Living As Music

What if we could navigate daily life with more ease, fluidity, and confidence, by living as music?
What would that even mean?

I started researching—and got jazzed about the wide-ranging impact of music, sound, and vibration. 
Music can relax and heal us, help ease tough transitions, and invite us to fully enjoy a sustainable, inspired life.

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

Hummingbird Wings

Have you ever been close enough to hear the sound of hummingbird wings? I found it magical. Hummingbirds hover at an average rate of 80 wingbeats per second. With strong muscles, and rotating shoulder joints, their wings flutter in a figure 8 pattern. This allows them to move forward, backward, or pivot to the side….

Giraffes Hum!

I first learned that giraffes hum to one another from reading the historical novel West with Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge. The novel fictionalizes a 1937 trek across the U.S.A., when two young giraffes arrived in New York harbor during a hurricane, barely alive, and were transported by make-shift rig to the San Diego Zoo. [A…