Three tuning forks on small wooden platforms

On a Zoom call I led recently, one of our team members mentioned that he’d just purchased tuning forks. We all wanted to hear the sound, so I suggested he strike one to end the meeting.

Perhaps you heard this sound once, long ago. Take a listen to these tuning forks on resonators from the Smithsonian’s collection, crafted somewhere between 1870-1900: 

Perhaps you heard this sound once, long ago. Take a listen to these tuning forks on resonators from the Smithsonian’s collection, crafted somewhere between 1870-1900 (1 min):

Does this vibration calm your mind or stop your thinking process for even a millisecond?
That, in itself, is valuable!

Tuning forks are being used to alleviate pain and to resolve all kinds of physical, emotional, and mental challenges. How is this possible?

Biofield Tuning is a sound therapy to relax and restore the body/mind by using the body’s natural intelligence to tune itself.

Biofield tuning works with our electrical system and the magnetic field surrounding our body. When forks are placed on or near the body, they register dissonance, as either resistance or turbulence. Practitioners listen for any changes in overtones or undertones of the sound.

Once dissonance is located, the fork is struck again and held in that spot until the resistance releases. Tuning fork vibrations create a harmonic that can shift a causative symptom. Mental and emotional habit patterns, as well as physical tensions, dissipate.

Amazing? Consider a time you attended a live musical performance and walked away feeling vibrant and uplifted. The sound rang through you, impacting your mood or state of mind long after the concert ended.

And, whether for healing or not, noticing sound’s impact on you is living as music.


Feel free to share this post if you know someone who may benefit.😃

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August 22, 2024

How respectful I am of Biofield Tuning. The world of sound never ceases to reveal its infinite potential in the realm of healing. So grateful for this blog, Emma.

Emma Laurence
August 22, 2024

I am, too, Cléone. It's been a real help to me. Sound as healing is amazing, and we're just beginning. Thank you for your comment; it's great to hear from you!

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