The sound of laughter is universally human. It brings joy. It’s also contagious and builds connections because who doesn’t love joining in a good laugh?
Babies show us full-body abandon in laughter. They couldn’t care less if it’s a socially appropriate moment or not—and they find humor in the most common things.
Pause and enjoy this baby who finds sneezing hilarious (1 min):

Jean Houston once said that at the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.
What a great way to be more creative, find new solutions to stubborn problems, and turn a bad day into something better. Especially when we can laugh at ourselves.
Think of a moment you did something really stupid. (easy, right?) Can you find the humor in your misstep? Laughter shatters shame. Yeah, you looked like an idiot. So what?
Humor also bonds us. When I share a joke with my 9-year-old grandniece, our age difference melts away. When we find commonality in laughter, we find our friends.
Today, ask life for an opportunity to find humor. Appreciate the sound of laughter as part of your day. Share a snicker with a stranger. Break through a disagreement with your partner by chuckling at how ridiculously attached we get to our own viewpoint.
And for one week, try marking Laughter on your calendar at 8pm. If you haven’t guffawed that day, find a funny video, pick up a comic book, or call a friend you know will split your gut.
That is living as music.