Teaching preschool music years ago, I learned from the pros that success for a pre-K classroom is all about the transitions. 

Drop off time.  Play time.  Snack time.  Nap time.  When the adults prepared activity stations in advance and gently guided the little ones’ attention, blending from one to the next, there were a lot fewer tears. 

I don’t need to tell you that this has been one challenging year.  Lots of losses and changes—a world in profound transition.  

Have you found yourself slowing down and tending that space between? As my husband recently advised me, “let the river carry you for a while.”

Zoey’s Changing World

One morning, our cat Zoey jumped up on the bed to nestle into my side.  She likes my arm around her body so she’s all snuggled in.  When I’m wearing short sleeves, she’ll nuzzle the inside of my elbow and even try to suckle at my skin.

Zoey was taken from her mom at six weeks—too young for a kitten.  When we got her at a year old, we were warned of her habit and history. 

But it’s cold in Minnesota now, so I’m in long-sleeved pajamas.  Nuzzling her nose into my elbow doesn’t quite satisfy the same way.  What’s a cat to do?

I thought about how hard it must be for her to keep wanting her mom and that particular bond of food, safety and love.  Time has marched on.  

She has human parents now who love her differently.  Food comes in a bowl.  There’s still safety in closeness, but love is scratching under the chin or behind the ears, stroking her fur with a human hand.   Pretty different.

Then, I wondered.  How often does the form of love change in our own lives while we struggle to keep up? 

Love Shifts Form

The most dramatic example comes when someone we love leaves this earthly world.  We may have been used to years of daily contact.  We may miss that soul terribly, that specific way of being close.

For example, a dear friend’s beautiful greyhound suddenly collapsed a couple of months ago.  A sweet new dog came into her life sooner than expected, requiring her to draw on compassion, patience and trust in transitioning to a new family.

The same is true for other endings—relationship break ups, losses of friendships or homes, of jobs or careers, or heartfelt dreams.  Qualities like gentleness and gratitude provide buffers to make the shift easier.

Are We All in Pre-school?

What if a teaching force in the universe smooths our way in everyday life like a good preschool teacher?  If we look, we may be surprised to see that experiences have been prepared just for us—including time for rest, nourishment and creativity.  Trusting and following that rhythm eases our way. 

Even during a global shift, we can allow time and space in our personal universe for transitions.  Consider the daily reminder of the sunrise that pales our sky slowly from darkness to color to brighter light.

Photo by Jonas Vincent on Unsplash

*If you know someone who might benefit from reading this story, please do pass it along. Thank you!

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November 8, 2020

Thanks for the new blog post Emma! I love reading them. I particularly liked the idea of love shifting form! A thought bouncing off of that, which I’ve experienced, is that the people, situations, animals, etc that shift in and out of my sphere are also the different opportunities for me to shower love, or better yet, to share moments of the presence of love with ... with this purpose in mind, I must welcome all the events and individuals who flow into my life, which requires being open to change, to what comes ...

November 1, 2020

You're so welcome, Cléone. Thanks for your comment!

November 1, 2020

Beautifully expressed and so reassuring. Thank you, Emma.

November 1, 2020

You're so welcome, Renate! I look forward to hearing about your transitions and what you learn.

October 31, 2020

Transition times - I like that! The way I used to do certain things are gone, not possible that way anymore and new ones have not quite shown up. Transition! With all its uncertainty and sometimes also curiosity how things unfold and develope. What a beautiful reminder that there might be beings watching over us that the transition times are smoother and easier and with less tears! - and me not being aware of that! Thanks for reminding.

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