Do heaven and earth ever meet?

I look out from my office window onto the fresh, white barn and newly mown field. A tree across the way lets go a few leaves, and I watch as they float on a soft breeze. It’s August—summer with a promise of fall, changing colors, and letting go.

This past year has been filled with endings—death of step-father, father, mother, marriage. Selling a house and moving three times in seven months. Two significant health challenges that brought me to the edge. Letting go of dreams and hopes and people and interpretations, of ways I identified myself and perceived this moment.

Letting go, too, of harsh self-criticism, abandonment, attempts to control others and the stories they choose, of expecting anything of anyone. In sum, growing up to the reality that life owes me nothing and everything can change in a heartbeat.

During this time of intense purification, I found a unexpected gem. It’s something I call a God moment—an experience outside of time and space where divine love makes itself known. To access the opportunity to perceive these moments in daily life required inner stillness and silence on my part. A kind of quiet expectation that truth or love might at any moment be revealed. And I would be present to It.

Writing about these moments every week changed me. I was getting direct spiritual nutrition without needing to depend on anyone or anything else. I only needed to lean on Life Itself to show me its secrets. I once told a friend that without a certain conscious awareness, we literally miss the miracles. We can’t perceive them; it’s as if we’re living in a parallel reality where they are invisible.

But just because you can’t see something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Or exist for you—yet. My coaching practice is built on the moment that has yet to be revealed. Where heaven and earth meet in a transcendent experience of awe and respect for this that we call Life.

Watch what I mean in the coming weeks as I post God-moment stories in flash non-fiction format to inspire you to find your own. I welcome you to share yours with everyone you meet and help awaken us all.