Last week, I drove to a lakeside cabin in northern Minnesota and returned to the call of the loons. Midwest loons are the same species as those of the Adirondacks, my heart’s home.

Common loons call out to one another across a misty lake. Their sound emerges from stillness and silence. Before dawn, I paddled a kayak to the center of the lake to listen. It’s a resonance like none other, haunting and healing.

Take a brief moment to appreciate their beauty:

When we make room for stillness and silence in our lives, we hear a soul-stirring sound. We’re moved by, changed by, a call we must somehow answer.

This sound often becomes amplified during transition times. Like the sunrise or sunset that invites the loon’s cry when humanity settles, our inner call emerges when our thoughts settle.

We may recognize an inner nudge to heal a broken heart or to trust a new, amazing opportunity. The call might beckon us to soul-awareness or to a renovation of our life’s work.

For me, it takes courage to perceive this penetrating signal because I know it will be life-changing.

Yet when a loon-lover friend of mine sits in quiet, the environment awakening around her, she says, “The revelation is so compelling, I go into it with love, affection, and beauty— without needing courage.” Maybe that’s you, too.

Are we willing to be still and wait—to hear, to accept, and to answer?

That is the call and response of living as music.

[Want more loons?]


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July 18, 2024

I LOVE the loons' calls! Thank you for that sound clip. It brings me back to the times I too have been in the silence the loons....

Emma Laurence
July 18, 2024

I love them, too, Terry! Nothing like that sound. Glad that clip took you back. Beautiful.

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