Years ago, I watched John Bradshaw’s PBS special, “Healing the Shame That Binds You.” Men and women with teddy bears and tears peeled back layers of toxic shame learned as children—the kind that stuck with them into adulthood, preventing authentic forward motion.

Like a ball and chain, the wounded inner child was dragged across life’s landscape through decades of attempts to succeed in the grown-up world. These adults, unaware of the depth of their internal suffering, persisted in reaching for dreams and goals. Yet, even if outer success did arrive, it was haunted by the imposter syndrome—the fear of being discovered at any moment as incompetent.

I was one such person who never felt good enough on the inside. Disconnected from my own traumatized inner self whom I scorned, I only ever wanted to shake the burden and get on with my life. But she would have none of it. Outer achievement didn’t last, nor did it reach my heart. I often felt completely alone and in pain.

Only recently did I reclaim the child in me as my own. I was shocked at what I discovered. She holds the wisdom, secrets and truths that adult me needs to know to unfold my earthly mission. While I only ever saw her as a crying mess, incapable and often unlovable, she actually held my answers. Once accepted, it didn’t take long to begin working together in partnership and integrity, with her vulnerable voice speaking the moment-to-moment truth, guiding me to the freedom I craved. And, I wasn’t alone anymore.

This search and rescue of inner children—bringing their gifts into present time—has become a large part of my coaching practice. Highly sensitive, brilliant adults who’ve disconnected emotionally just to survive in this world are the untapped creative genius our global community desperately needs. Many of these souls have profound spiritual missions they only half remember. They often experience a sense that there’s something more to life if they could only get out from under all the mental, emotional and financial burdens, or off the relentless wheel of “not enough.”

My life’s work is to support this courageous community. To that end, I’m launching an online coaching program this fall—an invitation to The Playground of the Inner Child. In this quantum field of safe and joyful play, priceless adult learning comes from swing sets and slides, seesaws and jungle gyms. Each piece of playground equipment reveals an undiscovered secret to present-day relationship issues, life’s work challenges and family dynamics for the grownup who’s willing to let the inner child PLAY.

We’ll meet in weekly teleseminars with live coaching, and share pictures and playdates on a private Facebook group. We’ll engage in the kind of meaningful, lively, fun PLAY that shifts paradigms and consciousness. We’ll set ourselves, and each other, free.

Thank you for your companionship as I celebrate this first year of coaching and writing. I invite you to join me on the playground when it opens in the fall. So much more wonder awaits!


April 1, 2020

This article is a wonderful one. You are doing a great job with these sites! I want to tell you how I made the man of dreams to love me again, maybe it will be useful to you: I wish you much love! :)

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